Isnin, 21 November 2011

Learning something from a swarm of bees and a colony of ants

Bee is a creation by Allah that has pairs of wings, round shape of eyes and black and yellow stripes. Bee like to collect a sweetmeat from flowers and produce a plenty of honey. It's life always busy.

Early in the morning, when sunrise coming, we can saw a swarm of bees begin their works to collect sweetmeats surrounding a bunch of flowers. They never stop until sunset.

When a bee dropped down, all bees will help him to cure his wound. After that, they will continue their works. They so cooperative and care each others.

Ant is a creation by Allah too. It's small body with 3 parts of it. It has head, thorax and gaster. Ant may be has black or brown colour. Ant like to collect a sweetmeat too. Hence, it collect sweet foods or a drop of drink. It is amazing fact that ant has an energy to carry a burden 100 times of his own weight.

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